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AI Best Practices

Determining the best way to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT-4, Google’s Bard, or Anthropic’s Claude are becoming essential for individuals and businesses alike. Here we’ve created an overview for understanding and applying generative AI technologies effectively. From selecting the right LLM for your needs to mastering the art of prompting, employing code interpreters for complex tasks, and ensuring the accuracy of information, this resource aims to equip you with the knowledge to harness the power of AI while mitigating potential pitfalls. Whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking to leverage AI for market analysis, a developer looking to optimize coding tasks, or simply curious about the capabilities of generative AI, this section of our website lays the groundwork for informed, ethical, and innovative AI use.

Understanding LLMs and Generative AI

At their core, LLMs are trained on vast datasets of text from the internet, books, articles, and other sources, enabling them to learn patterns, styles, and information across a wide range of subjects.

Continuous advancements in LLMs’ capacity to comprehend context, nuance, and the complexities of natural language have been a defining feature of their evolution. Starting from earlier versions, each iteration of LLMs has brought us closer to AI that can comprehend and interact in ways that are increasingly indistinguishable from human capabilities. This evolution is not just technical but also practical, broadening the potential applications of LLMs in various industries, from customer service and marketing to research and development.

Generative AI, a broader category that includes LLMs, refers to the capability of AI systems to generate content, whether text, images, music, or code, that is original and coherent. The generative aspect of these models has transformative implications for creative industries, allowing for the generation of new ideas, stories, and designs that can inspire innovation and efficiency.

For businesses, understanding the capabilities and limitations of LLMs and generative AI is crucial. These technologies can automate routine tasks, enhance creativity, and improve decision-making by providing insights derived from analyzing large datasets. However, the technology’s effectiveness is contingent on the quality of input (prompts) it receives and its training data, highlighting the importance of skillful use and ongoing learning by users.

For newcomers to this technology, it’s essential to start with foundational concepts to fully leverage the potential of LLMs and generative AI in their operations. This includes understanding how these models are trained, the principles of machine learning that underpin them, and the ethical considerations involved in their deployment. By building on a solid understanding of these foundational concepts, businesses and individuals can explore the vast possibilities opened up by the latest advancements in AI technology.

Choosing the Right LLM for Your Needs

There are 56 LLMs on the market but ChatGPT-4 by OpenAI and Google’s Bard represent the forefront of generative AI technology as of February 1, 2024. Understanding their capabilities, limitations, and the nuances of their data handling practices is crucial for leveraging their potential responsibly and effectively.

Performance and Capabilities

ChatGPT-4 (OpenAI)

  • Understanding and Generating Text: ChatGPT-4 exhibits an advanced understanding of context, enabling it to generate coherent, contextually relevant, and nuanced text. It stands out for its accuracy and sophistication in handling complex inquiries.
  • Knowledge Base: Trained on a vast array of sources up until April 2023, ChatGPT-4 can provide information on a wide range of topics, including recent technological, cultural, scientific, and global events.
  • Language and Grammar Skills: It offers refined language and grammar capabilities, capable of understanding and generating text in multiple languages, correcting grammatical errors, and adapting writing styles to match specific requests.
  • Problem-Solving and Creativity: ChatGPT-4 is equipped for complex problem-solving tasks, offering creative solutions grounded in logic and current knowledge.
  • Ethical and Safety Enhancements: Designed with advanced safety features to ensure responsible use and to align responses with ethical guidelines and user safety.

Google’s Bard

  • Generality: Trained on a massive dataset, Bard can handle a wide range of prompts and requests, from answering questions to generating creative text formats.
  • Multilinguality: Capable of translating between 70+ languages and understanding various writing styles.
  • Fact-checking: Strives to provide accurate information by accessing and cross-referencing data from multiple sources.
  • Adaptability: Continuously learns and improves, incorporating feedback from user interactions.
  • Limitations: Bard acknowledges its ongoing development in areas such as logical reasoning, common sense, and mitigating bias.

Data Handling Practices


  • Data Privacy and Security: Emphasizes user privacy, with measures to protect personal data and ensure secure interactions. Users are advised against sharing sensitive personal information.
  • Data Usage for Improvement: Interaction data may be used to enhance AI performance and user experience, with a focus on analyzing conversations to identify improvement areas.
  • No Personal Data Storage: Personal data shared during interactions is not stored in a way that allows future identification.
  • Compliance and Ethical Considerations: Adheres to data protection and privacy regulations, including GDPR, with ethical guidelines for AI development.

Google’s Bard

  • Data Use: Trained on publicly available, ethically gathered data, including books, articles, and code repositories. Bard emphasizes transparency in its data handling practices.
  • Data Retention and Deletion: Does not store personal information, ensuring data used for training is anonymized and cannot be used to identify individuals.
  • Transparency and Control: Committed to transparency, allowing users control over their data and the option to delete past interactions through Google account settings.

The Art of Prompting

Prompting is a foundational skill in the realm of interacting with LLMs. It involves crafting questions or statements that guide the AI to generate responses that are most useful for the user. This section gets into the nuances of developing effective prompts, incorporating insights into the importance of role and goal, step-by-step instruction, pedagogy, constraints, and personalization.

Understanding Prompting

Prompting goes beyond mere question-asking; it’s about setting a context, defining expectations, and steering the AI towards a desired output. This involves a blend of art and science, requiring the prompter to be clear, specific, and intentional about their interaction with the AI.

Key Factors in Effective Prompting

  1. Role and Goal: This involves telling the AI who it is, how it should behave, and what it is expected to respond with. By assigning a role and defining a goal, users set the stage for the AI to ‘act’ in a specific way, aligning its responses with the user’s objectives.
  2. Step-by-Step Instruction: Orchestrating the interaction with specific guidelines allows users to clearly explain their goals or seek feedback in a structured manner. This sequential approach facilitates a more organized and focused dialogue between the user and the AI.
  3. Pedagogy: Direction about giving feedback is essential, especially when refining the AI’s understanding or correcting misconceptions. This educational aspect encourages a learning dynamic where both the user and the AI benefit from iterative exchanges.
  4. Constraints: Setting boundaries helps prevent the AI from operating in unexpected ways. By defining what the AI should not do, users can safeguard against irrelevant, inappropriate, or off-target responses.
  5. Personalization: Tailoring the prompt to reflect the user’s specific context or preferences allows for more customized and relevant responses. Personalization enhances the interaction, making the AI’s output more directly applicable to the user’s needs.

Crafting Your Prompt

The complexity of your task should guide the effort you put into crafting your prompt. For straightforward inquiries, a simple question may suffice. However, for more advanced tasks, investing time in developing a detailed prompt is crucial. This not only improves the quality of the AI’s responses but also enhances the overall efficiency of the interaction.

  • Iterative Dialogue: Even with sophisticated prompting techniques, the dialogue with AI often remains iterative. Users may refine their inputs based on the AI’s responses, leading to a dynamic exchange where both parties move closer to the desired outcome through successive interactions.
  • Advanced Prompting: For tasks requiring nuanced understanding or complex output, constructing a prompt with all five factors in mind can significantly impact the effectiveness of the AI’s responses. This advanced prompting approach is particularly beneficial when the user seeks to accomplish specific, high-level objectives.

Mastering the art of prompting is key to unlocking the full potential of LLMs. By understanding and applying the principles of role and goal setting, step-by-step instruction, pedagogy, constraints, and personalization, users can significantly enhance their interactions with AI models like ChatGPT-4 and Bard. For those looking to dive deeper into the intricacies of prompting, our AI Prompting Guide offers comprehensive insights and strategies for effective AI communication.

Using ChatGPT-4’s Code Interpreter

The Code Interpreter feature of ChatGPT-4, introduced by OpenAI, is an amazing advancement for entrepreneurs embarking on new business ventures. This tool marries the analytical prowess of LLMs with practical programming capabilities, offering a unique opportunity to run Python code and manage files directly within ChatGPT. For startup founders, this means an enhanced ability to perform market analysis, digest complex datasets, and generate compelling narratives for business plans or pitch decks.

Accessing ChatGPT Code Interpreter

Available exclusively to ChatGPT Plus users as of July 2023, accessing the Code Interpreter requires a simple activation process within the ChatGPT settings. This premium feature unlocks the potential to not only engage in interactive coding sessions but also to leverage the extensive capabilities of GPT-4 for analyzing and interpreting business-relevant data.

Empowering Market Analysis with Code Interpreter

For entrepreneurs, understanding the landscape of your market is crucial. By utilizing resources like IBIS World or ESRI, you can download detailed research data on industry trends, customer demographics, and competitive analysis. Code Interpreter allows you to upload these datasets, enabling you to query and converse with the data, extracting tailored insights that align with your business concept or strategy. This direct interaction with data simplifies the process of market analysis, providing actionable insights without the need for extensive data science or research analyst expertise.

Enhancing Financial Projections

Financial planning is a cornerstone of any successful business plan. Once you’ve developed your financial projections, Code Interpreter can assist in analyzing these figures, identifying trends, and even generating summaries that articulate the financial narrative of your startup. This not only aids in internal planning and iterating but also enhances the narrative for potential investors or stakeholders when included in your business plan or pitch deck.

The Benefits of File Uploading and Data Interaction

By enabling the upload of various file formats, from research reports (in .txt, .csv, .json formats) to financial spreadsheets (.xlsx, .csv), Code Interpreter transcends the limitations of text-based input. This capability ensures a richer context for AI analysis, improving the accuracy and relevance of generated insights. For entrepreneurs, this means less time spent on data preprocessing and more time focusing on strategic decision-making.

Customized Solutions for Startup Needs

Code Interpreter’s ability to write and execute code based on written instructions opens up a plethora of possibilities for custom analysis. Whether it’s parsing through market research data, processing financial projections, or even generating code for custom applications, this feature empowers entrepreneurs to tackle a wide array of challenges with the backing of AI-driven support.

Navigating Limitations with Best Practices

While Code Interpreter is a powerful tool, it’s important to navigate its limitations thoughtfully. The inability to connect to the internet or databases directly means entrepreneurs need to pre-download necessary data for analysis. Additionally, being mindful of the session and execution cell limits can help plan the analysis workflow more effectively. Ensuring data privacy and providing detailed, step-by-step instructions will enhance the quality and relevance of the outputs, aligning them closely with your startup’s objectives.

Next Steps: Practical Guides and Resources

Effective utilization of LLMs like ChatGPT-4, Bard, and Claude extends far beyond basic commands. This guide has laid the foundation for informed and innovative AI use, from choosing the right model for your needs to mastering the art of prompting and leveraging advanced features like the Code Interpreter. 

To further enhance your understanding and application of AI:

  1. Dive into AI in Pre-Planning stage to explore how AI can assist in the ideation and validation phases of your business concept. 
  2. Visit AI in Business Planning for insights on employing AI to develop comprehensive business plans, ensuring your venture is grounded in robust analysis and strategic foresight. 
  3. Enhance your pitch to investors by integrating AI into your presentation through AI in Pitch Deck Development. Discover how AI can help create compelling narratives and visuals that resonate. 

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