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LLM Prompting Guide

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT-4 offer a wealth of opportunities for innovation and efficiency. These advanced AI tools are adept at understanding and generating human-like text, making them invaluable for automating communication, generating content, and deriving insights from large datasets. However, the quality of the inputs (prompts) LLMs receive has a significant impact on how effective they are, highlighting the need for strategic prompting and a thorough understanding of their capabilities and limitations.

To get the most out of an LLM, entrepreneurs must understand how to best craft a prompt or instructions, leveraging LLMs for their ability to enhance creativity, help with in-depth brainstorming, and inform decision-making while mitigating potential risks. This necessitates a solid grasp of AI best practices and the limitations inherent to AI technologies. For a more detailed exploration of these topics, our pages on AI Limitations & Considerations and AI Best Practices offer comprehensive guidance, ensuring entrepreneurs can effectively integrate LLMs into their business strategies with informed, ethical, and innovative approaches.

Crafting Effective LLM Prompts

Prompt Structure for Strategic AI Engagement

Before diving into the specific uses of AI in a pre-revenue startup context, it’s crucial to understand the framework of crafting effective prompts that maximize the utility of LLMs. This section serves as an introduction to the foundational structure of creating prompts, ensuring entrepreneurs can effectively communicate with AI to obtain tailored, actionable insights. By understanding and applying this structure, entrepreneurs can harness the full potential of AI as a tool for business development and decision-making.

Role and Goal: This component sets the stage for the AI’s function, clearly defining its identity (e.g., Mentor, Advisor) and the objectives it aims to achieve. It’s about telling the AI not just who it is but also how it should behave and what outcomes it should facilitate for the entrepreneurs.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed guidelines are provided to orchestrate the interaction between the entrepreneur and the AI. This involves specifying how entrepreneurs should present their queries and goals, and how the AI should structure its feedback to be actionable, balanced, and specific.

Pedagogy: The emphasis here is on the learning process, ensuring that the feedback mechanism built into the AI’s responses encourages improvement through practice. Directions included in the prompt should encourage entrepreneurs to refine their ideas and strategies based on the AI’s feedback, fostering a cycle of continuous improvement.

Constraints: To mitigate the risk of receiving unexpected or off-target responses, this section outlines boundaries within which the AI should operate. These constraints are vital for maintaining the relevance and appropriateness of AI-generated advice.

Personalization: Lastly, the prompt structure allows for customization to ensure that the AI’s responses are not just generic but tailored to the specific context and needs of the entrepreneur. This personalization makes the AI’s insights more directly applicable and valuable to the entrepreneur’s unique situation.

This introduction to prompt structuring is the cornerstone of engaging with AI in a manner that is both strategic and effective. By adhering to this framework, entrepreneurs can ensure that their conversations with AI are productive, leading to insights and advice that are directly applicable to their business challenges and goals.

Optimizing LLM Engagement (Custom Instructions)

Tailoring AI Interactions for Sustained Relevance

The ability to maintain a consistent and focused dialogue with AI is paramount. While the principles of effective prompting are applicable to various Large Language Models (LLMs) like Anthropic’s Claude or Google’s Bard, OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 distinctively offers features that enable a sustained, context-aware interaction. This continuity ensures that ChatGPT-4 remains aligned with the overarching business objectives throughout the dialogue. These features are Custom Instructions and GPT Builder.

Custom Instructions and GPT Builder

Custom Instructions and the GPT Builder in ChatGPT-4 anchor the AI’s focus, effectively giving it a topical and instructional “memory”. This is particularly useful in longer conversations, where prompts given at the outset of an AI conversation can easily be diluted over time in standard conversation mode.

Custom Instructions act as a guide for ChatGPT-4, keeping the AI attuned to your needs and preferences from start to finish. This feature is particularly advantageous for ensuring ChatGPT-4 consistently reflects the roles, goals, and steps you require. 

GPT Builder, on the other hand, is a conversational interface that simplifies the creation of custom GPTs. It allows entrepreneurs to iteratively define and refine behavior, ensuring the ChatGPT-4’s persona and capabilities evolve in real-time to match the unique demands of each scenario.

Use Case Examples

The subsequent sections of this guide will delve into specific use cases such as AI-Mentor, AI-Advisor, AI-Coach, AI-Co-Founder, and AI-Simulator. Each section will showcase how custom instructions and GPT Builder can be leveraged to optimize interactions, ensuring that the AI provides relevant, coherent, and tailored advice throughout the user’s experience.


To give an example, in the role of an AI-Mentor, an LLM could provide tailored guidance and feedback to help entrepreneurs refine their business strategies. This approach might foster enhanced decision-making and offer strategic insights that are invaluable for iterative development. However, there’s a risk of receiving misguided advice due to AI’s limited contextual understanding. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to critically assess AI feedback. The following illustrates a sample prompt crafted for an AI-Mentor, detailing components like Role and Goal, Pedagogy:

AI Prompt Guide for Mentor


In the capacity of an AI-Advisor, an LLM could provide focused, data-driven guidance tailored to the entrepreneur’s specific industry and challenges. This role demands a rigorous analysis of data—ranging from demographic insights to competitor SWOT analyses—providing recommendations that could be both relevant and actionable. By systematically inquiring about the entrepreneur’s sector and current challenges and analyzing the provided data, the AI-Advisor could deliver precise insights on market trends and strategic opportunities. The following illustrates a sample prompt crafted for an AI-Advisor, detailing components like Role and Goal, Pedagogy:

LLM Prompting Guide for Business Plan Advisor


To illustrate another use case, in the capacity of an AI-Coach, an LLM could play a pivotal role in nurturing the growth and development of entrepreneurs. This interaction might encourage entrepreneurs to cultivate essential skills and mindsets necessary for resilience, strategic thinking, and personal growth. The AI’s guidance aims to be both inspirational and pragmatic, equipping entrepreneurs to face the business world’s challenges effectively. However, given the AI’s limitations in fully understanding individual contexts, there’s a risk that its advice might not always perfectly align with the entrepreneur’s unique situation. Entrepreneurs are thus advised to critically evaluate the feedback received. The following outlines a sample prompt designed for an AI-Coach, detailing aspects such as Role and Goal, and Pedagogy, to ensure that the guidance provided is tailored and actionable, fostering a supportive environment for entrepreneurial development.

LLM Prompting Guide for Business Plan Coach


In the role of an AI-Co-Founder, an LLM could become a virtual partner in the entrepreneurial journey, providing critical input during the decision-making process. This collaboration might offer the entrepreneur a platform to validate ideas and refine strategies, aiming to make informed decisions that resonate with their business goals. Through this partnership, the AI leverages its analytical prowess and strategic insights, acting as a reliable sounding board. However, the inherent limitations of AI in fully grasping the nuances of human experiences and business intricacies suggest a risk of misalignment with the entrepreneur’s specific context. Entrepreneurs are, therefore, encouraged to engage critically with the AI’s feedback. The outlined sample prompt for an AI-Co-Founder illustrates the importance of Role and Goal, and Pedagogy,

LLM Prompting Guide for Business Plan Co-Founder


In its function as an AI-Simulator, an LLM could significantly aid entrepreneurs by simulating diverse business scenarios and forecasting potential outcomes. This capability might enable entrepreneurs to gauge the potential risks, benefits, and impacts of various strategic decisions, thereby enhancing strategic foresight and preparedness for future challenges. The AI-Simulator’s role is pivotal in facilitating optimized decision-making by providing detailed analyses based on realistic assumptions and industry standards. Nevertheless, considering AI’s inherent limitations in predicting the unpredictable nature of business and market dynamics, there’s a risk of over-reliance on simulated outcomes. Entrepreneurs are advised to critically evaluate the simulations’ results. The sample prompt for an AI-Simulator illustrates the structured approach to scenario analysis

LLM Prompting Guide for Business Plan Advisor

Other Prompting Methods 

Beyond the structured approach of prompt engineering, there are several other methods that can enhance your interaction with Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4. Understanding and utilizing these strategies can significantly improve the quality and relevance of the AI’s responses to a wide range of queries. Here’s an overview of various prompting techniques and how they can be applied effectively:

Additive Prompts: This conversational strategy involves building upon previous responses with new or additional information, refining or expanding the discussion. It’s particularly effective with GPT-4 for more dynamic interactions, allowing the model to integrate new information into subsequent responses.

Direct Questions: Pose direct questions to acquire specific information or advice. Example: “What is the difference between preferred stock and common stock?”

Open-ended Questions: Encourage detailed responses through open-ended questions. Example: “What are the key factors to consider when starting a new business?”

Hypothetical Scenarios: Explore potential outcomes by presenting hypothetical situations. Example: “Imagine you have a startup with a limited marketing budget. How would you allocate resources?”

Creative Requests: Prompt the AI to generate creative content, such as stories or marketing slogans. Example: “Write a short story about a time-traveling detective.”

Comparative Analysis: Ask for comparisons between subjects, ideas, or products. Example: “What are the pros and cons of traditional marketing vs. digital marketing?”

Opinion-based Questions: Seek analysis of popular opinions or perspectives, despite AI’s lack of personal opinions. Example: “What are some common arguments for and against remote work?”

Step-by-step Explanations: Request detailed guides or instructions for processes or tasks. Example: “Explain the steps to create a successful social media marketing campaign.”

Next Steps: Expanding Your AI Journey

In wrapping up this guide on LLM prompting, it’s essential to recognize the versatility and depth LLMs like ChatGPT-4 bring to entrepreneurial efforts. The strategies outlined here serve as a foundation for engaging with AI to enhance decision-making and innovation within your business. For further exploration and to extend the application of AI across different stages of business development, consider these additional resources:

AI in Pre-Planning: Understand how AI can assist in the initial stages of business ideation and concept validation. Click here to learn more.

AI in Business Planning: Explore the integration of AI in developing comprehensive business plans, from market analysis to financial projections. Click here for detailed insights.

AI in Pitch Deck Development: Discover how AI can streamline the creation of impactful pitch decks to effectively communicate with investors. Click here for guidance.

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