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Investing in Planning Paves the Way for Long-Term Success

By Brent Butler
Lifelong Entrepreneur & Founder of

Imagine, if you will, an entrepreneur. Let’s call him Bob. Bob wakes up one fine morning with a Eureka moment so profound it could rival the invention of sliced bread. There he is, pacing in his PJs, animatedly explaining to his pet goldfish how his idea is going to change the world. It’s a moment of pure bliss, an unadulterated vision of success that has yet to confront the harsh light of reality. Now, what if I told you that Bob, armed with nothing but his grand idea and a heart full of dreams, is about to embark on a path more twisty than a pretzel baker in a yoga class? At this stage, the question isn’t whether Bob has struck gold; it’s whether he can execute the double-salto-in-the-layout-position-with-a-half-twist, the gymnastic equivalent to starting a new company (any Simone Biles fans out there?).

AI illustration of Simone Biles Executing

“Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything.”

– Scott Adams

Enter the gestation period for business ideas, a term that sounds more at home in a biology class than in the entrepreneurial world. But here’s the kicker: just like any living, breathing entity, a business idea needs time to grow, develop, and, most importantly, survive in the wild. So, how does Bob, our intrepid entrepreneur, ensure his brainchild doesn’t end up as a warning story to would-be entrepreneurs? 

More importantly, how do you ensure your idea doesn’t just stay rattling around in your brain? The answer, my friends, is as complex and rewarding as the double salto layout with a half-twist, and not everyone can pull it off.

The Importance of Pre-planning

In the beginning, your idea is a delicate seed. Without proper care, it’s just potential lying in wait. You could toss it into the ground, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. But let’s face it, hope is not a strategy, and wishful thinking won’t water that seed. This is where the magic of the gestation period, or, as I like to call it, “pre-planning,” comes into play.

Statistics show that entrepreneurs who diligently work on their ideas, giving them a solid six to twelve months of nurturing, see their chances of success bloom by a whopping 8%.

Imagine if we approached pre-planning like preparing for a marathon. You wouldn’t show up on race day having only jogged to the fridge and back, right? Similarly, nurturing a business idea isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon, complete with hydration stations of knowledge, training camps of resources, and the many blisters of doubt. It’s about strengthening the foundation so that when the last-mile fatigue comes—and oh, it will come—your endorphins kick in, and you victoriously shout, “I was prepared for this.”

So, as you embark on this journey, your idea nestled in your mind and armed with the power of pre-planning, you might find yourself asking, “Well, that’s great, but what am I supposed to do in this pre-planning phase?” Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. We’ve mapped out each step in the Pre-Planning Process section of

The Power of a Well-Developed Business Plan

Transitioning from the pre-planning phase, where the most successful entrepreneurs spend six to twelve months nurturing and refining their business concept, into the critical business planning period is a decisive step toward turning visions into viable enterprises. This dedicated time for developing a business plan is more than a procedural step; it’s a strategic endeavor that significantly enhances the prospects for long-term success. 

Studies show a 12% increase in the likelihood of long-term success for those who commit at least three months to the development of a business plan. 

A number of crucial factors were discovered through research and expert insights: 

Strategic Planning: The three-month business planning period allows entrepreneurs to delve deeply into strategic planning, mapping out their goals, objectives, and operational strategies with precision. This process brings clarity and direction, ensuring that every aspect of the business is aligned with the entrepreneur’s vision and market needs. By setting a solid strategic foundation, entrepreneurs significantly increase their likelihood of navigating the competitive landscape successfully.

Financial Projections: A critical component of the business plan is developing financial projections for at least the next three years. This exercise is not just about crunching numbers; it’s about understanding the financial dynamics of your business model, assessing its viability, and preparing for sustainable growth. These projections inform decision-making, from budget allocation to pricing strategies, and enable entrepreneurs to secure funding by demonstrating the long-term financial health of their business.

Preparation for Challenges: The process of business planning inherently involves identifying potential challenges and devising strategies to overcome them. Whether it’s financial hurdles, technical issues, or employee-related challenges, having a plan in place means entrepreneurs are not caught off guard. This preparedness is crucial for resilience and adaptability in the fast-paced business environment.

Maintaining Belief: The journey from ideation to execution is fraught with doubts and setbacks. During the business planning phase, entrepreneurs reinforce their belief in their idea and their ability to bring it to fruition. Crafting a detailed plan is as much about building a roadmap for the business as it is about cultivating a mindset of success and determination.

Execution Focus: Perhaps one of the most tangible benefits of the three-month planning period is the development of a 120-day action plan. This plan breaks down the broader strategy into actionable steps, setting clear priorities and milestones. It ensures that entrepreneurs hit the ground running, with a focus on executing critical tasks that drive momentum and early wins.

The journey through pre-planning and business plan development can be a solitary one. Entrepreneurs often find themselves immersed in the intricacies of their business, feeling isolated as they tackle complex problems and make decisions that will shape the future of their venture. Recognizing this, it’s important to seek out communities, mentors, or platforms that can provide support, advice, and understanding. stands as your dedicated partner through the intricate journey of both pre-planning and business plan development. Our Plan & Pitch section is tailored to guide you through essential components of your business plan, offering practical tips and insights for effective strategy formulation. Moreover, we understand the entrepreneurial path can feel isolating, which is why we’ve fostered a vibrant community where entrepreneurs can exchange ideas, seek advice, and find support on X and LinkedIn. Let be your go-to resource and community, helping you navigate the complexities of launching and growing your business with confidence.

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