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The Evolution of Business Planning: From Masterplans to

By Brent Butler
Lifelong Entrepreneur & Founder of

In the nascent stages of my last brand, Masterplans, back in 2002, I encountered a project that would forever change my understanding of business planning. It involved a complex scenario with a commercial construction company’s strategic acquisition of a building materials company. This project wasn’t just another assignment; it became an obsession. I was drawn to the challenge like a moth to a flame—how could this construction company not only acquire but also effectively sell to its competitors? This question required more than just drafting a document; it demanded a deep dive into the core of both businesses.

The journey to answering this question was both rigorous and enlightening. I found myself conducting interviews with top executives, poring over industry reports, and iterating through countless drafts. After months of relentless effort, the plan finally came together, a testament to the power of thorough preparation and strategic thinking. Yet, despite the success of the plan, Masterplans faced a financial loss on this project. The countless hours spent were far from financially justified. But the real lesson wasn’t about the financial outcome; it was about the realization that business planning is much more than writing a document. It’s about the gestation period—the due diligence, the exploration, and the strategic ideation that precedes the pen hitting the paper.

This experience illuminated a crucial truth, echoed in my blog post, “Planning is Half the Battle,” where research by Francis J. Greene and Christian Hopp reveals that businesses dedicating six to twelve months to pre-planning before drafting their business plan have a significantly higher success rate. In this instance, I unwittingly played the role of an outsourced entrepreneur, immersing myself in the foundational work that should precede any business plan. This early lesson was a pivotal moment, underscoring that true business planning is not merely about documenting ideas but about engaging in a comprehensive process of discovery and strategy that lays the groundwork for success.

The Journey of Masterplans

Twenty years after the inception of Masterplans, a reality check was long overdue. Our journey from a humble two-man operation to making the Inc. 500 list in 2008 was filled with diverse successes. We had assisted an array of businesses, from cozy daycares eager for their first students to cutting-edge fintech startups disrupting financial norms. Our portfolio was as varied as it was vast, reflecting a depth of expertise and an adaptability that had become our hallmark.

Yet, as we navigated through these two decades, the landscape around us began to shift. The market evolved, becoming more competitive and saturated with entrants who, despite their enthusiasm, often lacked the nuanced understanding of business planning that we had honed over the years. The costs of hiring top talent surged, creating a dissonance between the financial realities of our operation and the expectations of early-stage entrepreneurs, many of whom were strapped for cash yet in need of our services. Our marketing expenses ballooned, but what became increasingly apparent was a more profound challenge: a fundamental mismatch between client expectations and the reality of what business planning entails.

By 2022, this dissonance reached a tipping point. It became clear that despite our efforts to communicate the value and complexity of our work, there was a persistent gap in understanding. Many clients approached us with brilliant ideas but lacked the groundwork necessary to transform these ideas into viable business plans. Questions like “How much will it cost to manufacture your product?” or “What marketing strategies have you considered for your innovation?” were often met with silence. The most disheartening responses came from those who believed that simply hiring a business plan writer would magically transform their vague ideas into fully-fledged, operation-ready businesses.

This period of reflection forced us to confront some uncomfortable truths. The business planning landscape had changed, and so had the needs and expectations of our clients. It was no longer enough to offer our writing and financial modeling expertise; we needed to address the gap in understanding and preparation that many of our clients faced. This realization sparked a series of discussions and research efforts, leading us to embrace the Jobs to Be Done theory as a framework for understanding our clients’ true needs.

What we discovered was a disconnect between the popular perception of business planning, often perpetuated by media and some academic circles, and its practical, essential nature. Many clients sought a silver bullet, a rapid transformation from idea to actionable plan within the span of a few weeks. However, the reality, as we had learned through hard-won experience, was far different. Successful businesses were not built overnight or through the outsourcing of critical thinking and planning. Instead, they were the result of meticulous pre-planning, a “gestation” period that could span anywhere from six to twelve months before the actual drafting of a business plan began.

This pivotal moment in 2022 marked the beginning of a new chapter for us. It was time to rethink our approach, not just as business plan writers, but as educators and guides in the complex journey of entrepreneurship. Our mission evolved, leading us away from merely drafting documents to empowering entrepreneurs with the knowledge, tools, and mindset necessary for success. This shift was not just a change in services but a redefinition of our role in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.


At, we’re redefining the journey of business planning by introducing a comprehensive approach that addresses the foundational needs of entrepreneurs. This evolution is rooted in the concept of gestation, or what we’ve come to call The Pre-Planning Process, a critical phase that we believe is essential for the successful development of any business idea. Recognizing the challenges and pitfalls of jumping too quickly into drafting a business plan, we’ve dedicated an entire section of our website to guiding entrepreneurs through this gestation period with incremental steps designed to verify, pivot, or, if necessary, abandon their ideas while the stakes and costs remain low.

The Pre-Planning Process

This segment of is more than just a preliminary step; it’s a deep dive into the essence of your business idea. Here, entrepreneurs are equipped with tools and strategies to critically assess their concepts for viability, and potential for pivot or progression. This process isn’t about discouraging innovation but ensuring that when an entrepreneur is ready to move forward, they do so with a solid foundation and a clear direction.

Plan & Pitch Section

Once the groundwork is laid, our Plan & Pitch section takes center stage, offering a detailed guide to developing the actual business plan document, segmented by its essential parts. This section is tailored to address the different audiences an entrepreneur might encounter, including banks, investors, and regulatory bodies. Each audience has unique expectations and requirements, and understanding these nuances is crucial for crafting a plan that resonates and achieves its objectives.

AI Essentials

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we work and think, introduces entrepreneurs to AI Essentials. This section is designed to leverage AI not just as a tool for writing business plans but as a companion for ideation, brainstorming, and vetting ideas. It’s about harnessing the power of technology to refine concepts, test assumptions, and explore new possibilities in a way that’s both efficient and effective.

News and Resources

Staying informed and connected is vital in the dynamic landscape of business and startups. Our platform covers the latest news, trends, and insights, ensuring entrepreneurs are always ahead of the curve. Additionally, we provide resources like curated business book reviews and a directory of banks that cater to specific types of businesses at various stages of development. It’s about offering a holistic support system that extends beyond planning to encompass every aspect of entrepreneurship.

The Academy

For those who wish to delve deeper into the intricacies of business planning and become experts in their own right, we are building an academy. This educational initiative is designed to offer in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and the latest strategies in business development and planning. Our academy aims to empower entrepreneurs with the expertise they need to navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business.

Digital Products

Understanding that each business has unique needs, is developing an ever-expanding list of digital products tailored to specific industries and stages of business development. These products are designed to provide targeted support, from financial modeling templates to marketing strategy guides, ensuring that entrepreneurs have access to the resources that are most relevant and beneficial to their specific circumstances.

In summary, is not just a website; it’s a comprehensive ecosystem designed to support entrepreneurs through every stage of their business journey. From the initial spark of an idea to the complexities of expansion and pivoting, our platform offers the tools, resources, and guidance necessary to navigate the path to success.

Join the Journey Towards Entrepreneurial Excellence will never be done, but as we continue to build and enhance, our goal is not just to provide tools and resources but to cultivate a community where every entrepreneur, regardless of their stage or experience, feels supported and empowered. Our journey through the evolution of business planning has taught us that success is not a solitary pursuit but a collective endeavor. We believe in making the process more accessible, eliminating the guesswork, and helping you build businesses that are not only profitable but also resilient, valuable, and enduring.

We invite you to explore, leverage our comprehensive suite of resources, and engage in the Pre-Planning Process, Plan & Pitch guides, AI Essentials, and the depth of knowledge offered through our academy and digital products. Whether you’re in the throes of ideation, knee-deep in planning, or navigating the challenges of growth, our platform is designed to support you every step of the way.

Your feedback, stories, and questions are invaluable to us. They help us refine our resources, tailor our offerings, and ensure we’re meeting the real-world needs of today’s entrepreneurs. Connect with us on LinkedIn or X to share your journey, insights, or inquire more about how we can support your entrepreneurial aspirations. Let’s democratize the knowledge won over two decades and create a future where every entrepreneur has the tools to succeed.

From Masterplans to

The transition from Masterplans to marks more than just a change in our business model; it symbolizes a shift in our understanding of what entrepreneurs truly need. This journey reflects the evolving landscape of business and the continuous learning process that drives us forward. Our commitment to aiding entrepreneurs in their quest for success has never been stronger. Through comprehensive planning, preparation, and strategic thinking, we aim to support the creation of businesses that stand the test of time. is more than a platform; it’s a commitment to the future of entrepreneurship—a future where knowledge is open, accessible, and empowering. As we move forward, we hold onto the lessons learned from two decades at the forefront of business planning. We remain dedicated to equipping entrepreneurs with the tools, insights, and support needed to navigate the complex path to business success.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, let’s build a world where every entrepreneur has the opportunity to thrive, innovate, and shape the future. Join us at, and let’s turn the dream of democratized entrepreneurial knowledge into a reality.

On the Right Foot: The Blog

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